Books Kiddos Love - Boys and Girls ages 7, 8, 9, 10

As most of you have seen on Instagram (@CopperCorners), our family loves to read. We have an entire room that was originally meant for adults to enjoy Margaritas (see it HERE)…. but it has somehow turned into the family reading room, ha! On the weekends, this room is the coziest space filled with our loud family, but it is actually so quiet because everyone has a nose in a book :)

BUT it wasn’t always like that. Especially with Valley. She wasn’t into reading. Turns out…. she just hadn’t found the books that she loved yet!

So, here are the books that got each of my children hooked on reading.

You can read Boston’s list HERE.

Valley got started on these books at age 7, in the 2nd grade.

The books that really got her hooked were the Dog Man and Cat Kid book series (click HERE- I also linked the Spanish version!! Also, this is a series, so make sure you start with book 1). They are easy to read, funny and semi-quick reads. They talk about all the things that make kiddos laugh, like poo, farting, and more. When Valley was reading these, I would hear her laugh out loud from the other room :). They feel like chapter books, which helped her feel accomplished when she would finish one.

Once she read these books she realized that reading isn’t just something you are forced to do for school. It is actually fun and entertaining! So next, I gave her the the Real Pigeons (click HERE-I also linked the Spanish version!! This is a series, so make sure you start with book 1) again an easy read, but with a little more reading involved per page. Just enough words on each page, but also not too many. The pictures still help the little reader have fun and not feel overwhelmed. Valley really loved the Real Pigeons but not so much the Bad Guys series. My son, Boston, LOVED the Bad Guy series. You can read about the books that got him hooked on reading HERE.

The next books Valley moved onto were the Ivy + Bean books (click HERE -also in Spanish. This is a series, so make sure you start with book 1). They were the first ‘bigger’ chapter books for her and she loved them! They have more words per page than Real Pigeons, but still had pictures and felt like a fun read, rather than a daunting read.

I hope your kiddos love these books as much mine, and become amazing readers!!

If there are any other beginner books that your kiddos loved, comment the names below!!

